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Muzzarela Clown by Carlos Cabéra

Rafael Senna began his artistic career in 1993 doing theater at the Casa das Artes de Laranjeiras (RJ). The Muzzarela Clown was born in 1995. In 1998 he joined the National Circus School, and surprisingly in the second period of the school he was invited to work at the Intrepid Troupe where he stayed for 2 years. In 2001 joined the troupe of artists of the circus Le Cirque. In 2002 he was hired by Unicirco Marcos Frota where he worked until 2006. In the same year he started his international career going up Up Leon (Sweden), Marino Circus (Saudi Arabia), Circ Bover (Spain) and Cirque Arlette Gruss (France). On his return to Brazil, he briefly spent at Circo Reder and then returned to Unicirco where he remained from 2010 to 2015.

In 2010 comes the show Brincante, which begins its walk at the Palhaçada Festival. Since then, the solo show has been running all over Brazil. Muzzarela participated in several festivals, winning in 2015, 2016 and 2017 the 3 editions of Fest Latex Clowns. Also in the year 2016, Muzzarela won the 1st Comedy Festival "Monday with Smile First". In 2019 won the 2nd place in the Comedy Top Festival. In 2021, he was hired by Circo Robatiny Spectacular and later by Circo Teatro de Lona. Founded, directed and taught at the AristoClowntas Clowning School until September 2023, based in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil.

In December 2023 return his International carrer with Winterspektakel - Winter Circus in Hamburg/Germany, where he runs the 2023/2024 season and at the end of that season, he receives the proposal to return the following year to carry out work at the same company, called Mignon Circus 2024/2025. Before his return to Europe, Muzzarela signed a contract with Circo da Galinha Pintadinha, in Brazil, which is managed by the famous and traditional Garcia family and after this, he worked in Stankowish Circus too.

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