- December 13rd, 14th and 15th - Show "Que Zeus nos Acuda", closing the workshop The Truth of the Clown - Clowning with Theatrical Techniques, at Casa da Glória always at 8 pm. Rio de Janeiro - RJ
- September - Beginning of the Workshop "The Clown Truth - Clowning with Theatrical Techniques" with Rafael Senna and Ligia Caboclo. Duration: 3 months - MODULE II from 15:30 pm to 18:30 pm (Every Monday starting September 26th); MODULE I (Class 1) from 3 pm to 6 pm (Every Tuesday starting on Sep. 27th) and MODULE I (Class 2) from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm (Every Wednesday starting on September 28th). (Workshop Location: Casa da Glória - PHONE PRA CONTACT (21) 999226014.
- September 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd - SEPTEMBER - Beginning - "Brincante" show at the Tigre Cultural Connection project at 09:30 am and 2 pm. On Friday only at 09:30 am. Joinville/SC.
- September 13rd, 14th, 15th and 16th (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) - Show "Brincante" in the project Cultural Connection Tiger at 09:30 am and 2 pm. On Friday only at 09:30 am. Castro/PR.
- September 4th (Sunday) - Show "Brincante" at Shopping Nova Iguaçu/RJ at 4 pm.
- August 30th, 31st and September 01st and 02nd (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) - Show "Brincante" in the project Cultural Connection Tiger at 09:30 am and 2 pm. On Friday only at 09:30 am. Rio Claro/SP.
- August 24th, 25th and 26th (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) - "Brincante" show at the Tigre Cultural Connection project at 09:30 am and 2 pm. On Friday only at 09:30 am. Indaiatuba/SP.
- August 15th (Friday) - Event with the Afroreggae Cultural Group at the Sofitel/RJ Hotel at 9 am.
- August 9th (Tuesday) - Event with the Afroreggae Cultural Group at the Sofitel/RJ Hotel at 9 am.
- August 05th (Friday) - Event with the Afroreggae Cultural Group at the Sofitel/RJ Hotel at 9a m.
- August 1st (Monday) - Opening of the EncontrArte Dance Festival at Shopping Nova Iguaçu/RJ at 7 pm.
- July 25th (Monday) - Competitive Festival EncontrArte (Final) at Shopping Nova Iguaçu/RJ at 7 pm. Winner of the "Monday with a First Smile" Comedy Festival with Knife Act Number *
- July 18th (Monday) - Competitive Festival EncontrArte (Elimination) at Shopping Nova Iguaçu/RJ at 7 pm.
- July 3rd (Sunday) - Show "Brincante" at Shopping Nova Iguaçu/RJ at 4 pm.
- May 08th (Sunday) - Show "Brincante" at Shopping Nova Iguaçu/RJ at 4 pm.
- April 30th - May 01st, 07th and 21st - June 4th and 18th - July 2nd, 16th and 30th (Saturdays) - Workshop "The Clown Truth - Clowning with Theatrical Techniques" with Rafael Senna and Ligia Caboclo. From 1 pm to 6 pm. (LATEX at the Casarão de Japuíba Cultural Center - Cachoeiro de Macacu. PHONE PRA CONTACT (21) 972136624.
- April 05th (Every Tuesday) - Beginning of the Workshop "The Truth of the Clown - Clowning with Theatrical Techniques" with Rafael Senna and Ligia Caboclo. Duration: 4 months / MODULE I (Class 2) from 3 pm to 5 pm. (UERJ - PHONE FOR CONTACT (21) 23340355/23340538/23340625.
- April 2nd (Saturday) - Participation of the Muzzarela Clown at the II Latex Clown Fest from 6 pm in Japuíba - Macacu Waterfall - RJ. * LATEX FESTIVAL WINNER LIKE BEST CLOWN !!! *
- March 9th and 10th (Wednesday and Thursday) - Clowning Workshop "Clown Truth - Clowning with Theatrical Techniques" with Rafael Senna and Ligia Caboclo from 1 pm to 5 pm at SATED - RJ.
- March 7th (Every Monday) - Beginning of the Workshop "The Truth of the Clown - Clown with Theater Techniques" with Rafael Senna and Ligia Caboclo. Duration: 4 months / MODULE I (Class 1) from 4 pm to 6 pm and MODULE II from 6 pm to 8 pm. (UERJ - PHONE FOR CONTACT (21) 23340355/23340538/23340625.